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Over 3 MILLION LPK combinations possible! Best Custom AR15 Lower Parts Kit LPK Online If you are looking for the best AR15 lower parts kit on the market today, then we have you covered with the Red Barn Armory - Build Your Own LPK. The RBA build your own LPK consist of quality made parts and conveniently gives you the option of building an AR15 LPK they way you want. Choose from an assortment of high quality triggers, Grips, Safety Selectors and Trigger Guards or select NONE to omit parts you don't need or already have. You even have the choice of 8 different pivot and takedown pin sets. NOTE: Base Kit includes: Pivot Pin, detent and spring Takedown Pin, detent and spring Magazine Catch Assembly Bolt Catch Assembly Selector spring and detent Buffer detent and spring Grip Screw (1/4-28 x 1") and Washer *****Grip, safety selector, fire control group, trigger pins, trigger guard and trigger guard roll pin are optional, and not included as part of the base kit.*****